Hi! My name is Elis and I’m from São Paulo, Brazil in South America. My connection with the Space: 1999 series began in 1978 when I was 13 years old. I was a huge fan of the series and didn’t miss an episode. I used to get together with my schoolmates during break time, and we would talk about the series. I was fascinated by the subject of cosmic space and aircraft. I love the Eagle!
Nowadays, I’m still fascinated by stellar life – I like good science fiction films, although some “Prometheus” style productions don’t really appeal to me. I think that if there is alien life that manages to reach us, they must certainly be more evolved technologically and morally. I may even be wrong about this, but this line of thinking makes more sense to me.
I think it’s great that groups of people who enjoyed this series and who like this type of subject are created. It would be incredible if there was some kind of continuation of the Space: 1999 series.
I would also find it incredible if online meetings were held once a month with all the fans, creators, artists, and in short, everyone involved and fans of Space: 1999!