From Anderson Entertainment: Q&A With Jeffrey Morris
From Anderson Entertainment: Q&A With Jeffrey Morris
GerryAnderson.com recently chatted with Jeffrey Morris about all things The Eagle Has Landed, including how Space: 1999 influenced his professional career in film production, who will be featured in the documentary, and the goals he has for the project.
Those of us who grew up with playing with Eagle toys felt like they were from OUR future—a world we were going to grow up and live in a few decades ahead in time. Unfortunately, that futuristic world of Eagles and Moonbases and space stations never came to pass. I think we lost a dream of tomorrow and have been looking for it ever since. The Eagle represents the lost future we all wish we could have lived in. Most of us can’t let it go.
Jeffrey Morris
Read the full Q&A here: INTERVIEW: Jeffrey Morris on Space:1999 Eagle documentary!