When my father let me, a 10-year-old kid back in 1976, watch Space: 1999, I was immediately hooked. First the very exciting and also scary episodes, then the characters and the whole environments. I bought chewing gum cards and books to linger with while the show wasn’t on. But it was the Eagle that made the greatest long-lasting impact on me. The shape of it just stands out from other spaceships… I don’t know why, but there’s something unique about it. Even though I have learned some technical interior problems with it, if it should be real, I still think that visually the exterior is brilliant designed… even today.
So, when I stood in front of the task to build a special playhouse for our grandchildren, the shape of the Eagle came naturally to me. It wasn’t the plan that it should take… now more than four years to build, but the journey, learning about the various filming models have been so interesting to dig into, that the details on the build has become more and more time consuming to get correct. I have made it, so it can be taking apart, to be able to transport it for exhibits. Even though it was only painted with primer back in April, it was on a display at a sci-fi con. For the moment I am working on the finish paint, which also is a task to get right.