Jeffery Morris Featured in New Robservations Episode
Jeffery Morris Featured in New Robservations Episode
The Burnettwork featured Jeffrey Morris on an episode of “Robservations” to answer this question:
Could this SPACE: 1999 documentary be the COOLEST fan-produced doc EVER?!? ROBSERVATIONS #887
Read more about the interview here. Then, check out a few of the comments users left and watch the full video below!
Excellent episode with a great guest! The point of the Eagle representing the lost NASA exploratory future we never saw is so true and relevant.
Another Amazing ‘Robservations’!!! Rob, on behalf of ALL Black Communities across the Planet Earth, THANK YOU for bringing Mr. Jeffrey Morris into our LIGHT – a true inspiration indeed. The Eagle has always been one of my favorite fictional Sci-Fi Spaceships. Season One of “Space 1999” was really good, Second Season not so much. And yes, “Dragon’s Domain” messed me up too as kid in 1975, lol!!! Could “Dragon’s Domain” have worked as an Original Trek Series Episode in 1968? Oh yeah, especially if it was an Lt. Uhura flashback story. Looking forward to seeing this Academy Award Winning Documentary. Come on Sci-Fi Fans, let’s make this happen. Thanks again Rob, and thanks for reading my future letters.
Space 1999 mesmerized me because that’s the kind of tech I thought we were headed for. Instead we got the shuttle and space station. Fine, but those should have been our lowest orbit, not our highest.
A little past 1999 I read some biographies of astronauts and reflected I did nothing to follow that path. That’s why I always push kids to read biographies while they are young.
Jeffrey was an excellent guest. Hope to see him back