High school-aged-me built several Eagle models back in the mid ’70s. Three were hung from my bedroom ceiling with fishing line. Three more of my Eagles were displayed in my HS history class room along with a display of NASA Apollo moon images.
Each Eagle model also came with a Moon Base Alpha cloth patch which were later used in my Space 1999 halloween costume.
The second season wasn’t shown in my area, so it was many years later when I saw those episodes. I knew the second season existed because I saw photos from them in ‘Starlog’ magazine, Space 1999 was on the cover of the 2nd Starlog issue, but I couldn’t get either of my TWO local tv stations to show it.
There wasn’t much sci-fi on TV back when Space: 1999 was on – Star Trek, Lost in Space, I Dream of Jeanie, and Land of the Giants were all cancelled, and there wasn’t reruns yet. So Space: 1999 was it. Then in 1977, Star Wars changed all that.
I guess you could say that it was partially Space: 1999 that encouraged me to get my private pilot license and a career in computer science.