



March 13, 2024

March was a busy interview month for The Eagle Obsession. Jeffrey Morris’ next stop on this journey of discovery was in San Francisco, California. He was there to meet with Visual Effects Supervisor, Bill George. In addition to working on films like Blade Runner and Star Trek II, Bill George is a huge Space: 1999 fan. The Oscar-winner even built his own 8-foot Eagle.

As they walked near the Golden Gate Bridge, Bill talked about how he has created visual effects for various sci-fi movies. Later, they returned to Bill’s house where he showed Jeffrey his own Eagle model. Bill also discussed how the inspiration of Space: 1999 is part of what led to his career in Hollywood. While speaking with Jeffrey, he noted how much the world building that centered around the Eagle would go on to set the foundations for many Science Fiction projects that followed. They also discussed how the original Millennium Falcon design was too close to the Eagle. That fact would eventually lead to the Falcon design that Star Wars fans know today.